Best Substrate for Crested Geckos
When setting up the enclosure for your new crested gecko pet, you want to make sure you do it right, which means you have to get the humidity, temperature, and lighting correct. One important part … Read more
When setting up the enclosure for your new crested gecko pet, you want to make sure you do it right, which means you have to get the humidity, temperature, and lighting correct. One important part … Read more
Crested geckos grow healthy and happy when fed about 3 times per week. Some gut-loaded insects are great for them, including gut-loaded waxworms, crickets, and mealworms. But, to supplement their diet, some sweet baby food … Read more
Metabolic bone disease (MBD) is a spectrum of disorders related to a lack (or imbalance) of calcium in the body. The bioavailability of calcium is determined not just by overall calcium in the diet but … Read more
Crested geckos are a species of gecko that is native to the Isle of Pines, New Caledonia. They live in moist forest habitats with dense vegetation such as rainforest canopies, vine thickets, or mangroves. While … Read more
Shedding is when the gecko’s old skin comes off its body. The new skin underneath then takes over and becomes dry in a few hours or days. Both young and adult crested geckos shed, and … Read more
If you’re a reptile pet enthusiast, you’ll know that some species of lizards require UVB lighting in their tank setup to keep them healthy. However, not all lizards have the same requirements. Crested geckos – … Read more
A common question that people often ask is “Do crested geckos play dead?” Crested geckos are nocturnal animals, so they sleep during the day and come out at night. They have a behavior called thigmonasty … Read more
Crested geckos are insectivores and they need to eat crickets or other insects at least twice per day. When they don’t seem interested in food for more than three days and won’t eat anything at … Read more
Crested geckos are small lizards that need a humid environment to avoid dehydrating. They can easily dehydrate if they don’t have access to water or live in an area with low humidity levels, such as … Read more
Crested geckos are a popular pet, but do they eat strawberries? The answer is yes, and no. You can feed your crested geckos with strawberries but in moderation to avoid the relatively high amounts of … Read more