Geckos got their name from the imitative sound they make, “geck-o”. They are very vocal, especially at night when they are most active. While some are more vocal than others, the sounds geckos make are a form of communication with each other or to warn off any approaching animal. Below is an insight into what geckos feel when they make certain sounds and what they mean.
Do geckos make noise?

Geckos are known for vocal communication; the pet breeders report audible noises from the pets at night when they are most active. Every sound a gecko makes has a specific rea. For instance, it announces its presence to other species by chirping—male geckos bark to warn other geckos to stay away from their territory.
These reptiles make noise about their surrounding environment and how they feel.
While geckos make a variety of noises, some of the noises made are inaudible to human beings. The most commonly heard sounds are “chirps, clicks and barks”.
Here is a look at what noise the geckos make and what they mean.
Leopard gecko noises and meanings
Leopard gecko noises are linked to calls of attracting mates, defensiveness and warning off other geckos of their territory.
Here is a look at the intended message made by the geckos.
Chirps and squeaks
Leopard geckos are territorial creatures; whenever they feel other geckos approaching them, they chirp to warn them off. The sound announces the presence of the gecko and if the gecko feels more threatened, it will chirp louder. This gecko forces air out of its lungs to make the chirp sound with a slightly opened mouth in readiness to bite its threat.
Chirps from geckos also serve as a call to mating. Male geckos signal their presence to female leopard geckos by making this chirp or squeak sound.
Whenever your leopard gecko is hungry, it is likely to chirp as a communication to you to feed it.
Some young leopard geckos scream as a means of defense, especially when they are unfamiliar with human contact.
The more the gecko becomes familiar with its environment, the less the screaming frequency becomes.
Clicking Noises
Unhappy leopard geckos make a clicking sound. This mainly occurs when they are not handled well by their owners while checking the gecko for eggs or when moving them to clean their vivarium. The leopard gecko might feel uneasy or stressed out and will make a clicking sound.
Leopard geckos may bark at their owner when they are picked up suddenly or in a rough manner. They may also bark at other approaching geckos to warn them of getting close to their territory. The more threatened the geckos feel, the louder their barks and can their bites can draw blood.
Geckos are famous for making certain noises, while leopard gecko species make very specific noises depending on their feelings or environmental factors. Below are some of the specific sounds made by leopard geckos and what they mean.
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Leopard gecko squeals
Your leopard gecko may squeal when surprised. Geckos prefer to stay hidden under rocks, even in their vivarium. When approaching them do it slowly so as not to surprise them; also, when picking them out of their tank, carry them out softly to avoid stressing the geckos.
Calling for mating clicks
Leopard geckos call for mating by making clicking sounds. This way, the male geckos announce their presence and invite female geckos for mating.
The clicking sound can also be heard from time to time when you pick your leopard gecko out of its tank. This means they feel threatened and stressed; try handling the geckos more gently.
Chirps and squeaks
Most leopard geckos make chirp noises when fighting for their territory. Male geckos wrestle each other and chirp while fighting; some squeaking sounds may also be heard when the gecko gets bitten during the fight.
Chirps are also an indication of a call to mating for leopard geckos. The male leopard gecko makes this noise to send signals to the female gecko for mating.
Sneezing noises made by leopard geckos might be an indication of respiratory problems. Check in with the reptile vet when you hear sneezes from your leopard gecko. Some other noises might indicate pain from an injury, do observe your leopard gecko from time to time and take your gecko to the vet to check on any internal injuries.
What noises do crested geckos make?
Commonly known as the “eyelash” gecko, the crested gecko is a species that is very active at night and spends most of the daylight hours hiding. While known for being vocal reptiles, here are some of the noises they make and their meaning.
Crested geckos chirp when they experience any form of discomfort. Taking them out of their tank might surprise them and cause them to chirp. This sound means they are stressed and it is best to scoop the geckos out gently with both hands.
Crested geckos also chirp when other geckos threaten them. The chirp sends a warning to other geckos and marks their presence.
During mating season, the female crested gecko may let out a chirp to warn off a male gecko to leave her alone.
This noise is mainly made by the male crested gecko to show assertiveness to other geckos and also indicates that the crested gecko is stressed.
A female crested gecko will whistle to a male gecko to show interest during the mating season. Crested geckos are also known to use whistling as a form of communication with one another.
It is rare to hear a crested gecko squeak, but they do make this sound when they get feisty, especially during the mating season. The squeaks might also indicate nervousness or stress from the gecko.
Why do geckos chirp at night?
Most geckos are active during the night and spend their daylight hours hidden. When it is dark, the geckos come out to hunt and mate.
Chirp sounds are sent out at night mainly to call out female geckos for mating, warn off other geckos of their territory and communicate with other geckos.
Geckos also chirp at human beings when they feel threatened by their presence.
What is the noisiest gecko?
The tokay geckos have various vocalizations for communicating their feelings or defensive behavior.
The tokay geckos normally have loud advertisements of their presence, and the male geckos use aggressive calls to females for mating.
Tokay geckos can also easily adjust their calls to be louder in noisy environments. This ability ly common in mammals and birds, becoming a significant ability for the tokay gecko.
The tokay gecko is naturally found in the rainforest, but these geckos can easily adjust to houses and towns making them easy to pet.
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